Frequently asked questions

Please click below to expand a list of the questions we get from time to time. If you can't find an answer to your question, don't hesitate to get in touch via our contact form, otherwise give us a call on 07 903 5000.

Who is Frankie?

Frankie is the trading name of Frank Risk New Zealand Ltd. Frankie is a specialist liability insurance broker.

Who insures my policy?

Delta Insurance is the insurer. Delta is underwritten by Lloyds of London. For more information about Delta Insurance click here or visit their website

When will I receive my policy documents?

An email with these documents will be sent to you immediately upon credit card payment.

What if I lose these documents – can I get more?

Yes of course, simply get in touch with us on our contact page or give us a call and we will send these documents to you straight away

How can I see what I am covered for?

That's easy, just refer to your policy documents sent directly to your inbox at the time of payment

Can I increase my policy limits or reduce them?

You're in the drivers seat! You can make amendments to the policy limits when renewing the cover. If you want to make a change to the cover mid-term, simply get in touch with us on our contact page or give us a call and we will gladly assist you.

How do I renew my policy?

30 days prior to your policy renewal date we will send you an email letting you know that your policy is due to renew/expire. You will need to follow a link in your email to confirm you wish to renew and verify your payment information. Please note that if you do not confirm renewal your policy will lapse and you will become uninsured for that particular risk.

If I buy online are my credit card details secure?

We pay special attention to detail with our security system, which utilises SSL and DPS security functions. These world-class services mean your details will be secure from checkout onwards.

What happens to my personal information?

Because our service is all about finding the best insurance for you, we do require some personal information to obtain those perfectly tailored quotes. You can trust that your information is safe with us, and will be used only to provide quotes and implement the policy documentation. We would never sell or trade our customer information – we value you much too highly for that! If you opt in, we may occasionally send you marketing material and other special offers.

How do I make a claim?

Simply complete the information form in the claims section of the website, or give us a call on 07 903 5000 and we will get you back up and running in no time!

When should I report a claim/circumstance?

First let's go over the correct terminology. A claim is defined as another party making a threat against you, written or verbal, seeking compensation for negligence or wrongful actions. A circumstance is the stage before that, where you reasonably suspect that a claim will be made in the near future. If this sounds like it's happening to you, report it ASAP by completing the form in our claims section of the website and getting this through to us. Alternatively, give us a call on 07 903 5000.

What should I do if I have a complaint?

Your feedback is what keeps us motivated to provide the best service that we can. If you're unhappy for any reason you're always welcome to contact our customer services team on 07 903 5000, or by using the form on our contact page. Click here for our internal complaints process.

What are my payment options?

Given we are a specialised online provider; our goal is to make your life as simple as possible. For this reason we offer two payments methods, credit card and invoice. Invoices must be paid within 30 days, credit cards are charged instantly.